Auditing a Class as an Alum

Special rates for auditing academic courses are available to all alumni on a space available basis. Cost for auditing is $250 per credit for alumni and $500 per credit for non-alumni. Alumni can audit a maximum of two (2) undergraduate courses without matriculating into a degree program and one (1) graduate course without matriculating into a degree program. Online courses cannot be audited.

Email the Office of the University Registrar at with any additional questions.

Guidelines for Auditing a Class

In order to receive this benefit, we must verify that you are an alumnus/a.

  1. Fill out the Audit Request Form to register and to verify that there is room in the class you are interested in auditing.
  2. Alumni with an undergraduate degree can audit only an undergraduate class and alumni with a graduate degree can audit both undergraduate and graduate classes.
    1. $250 per credit for alumni
    2. $500 per credit for non-alumni
    3. Alumni are responsible for all additional costs related to the course (i.e. books, lab fees, etc.)