Auditing a Class as an Alum
Special rates for auditing academic courses are available to all alumni on a space available basis. Cost for auditing is $250 per credit for alumni and $500 per credit for non-alumni. Alumni can audit a maximum of two (2) undergraduate courses without matriculating into a degree program and one (1) graduate course without matriculating into a degree program. Online courses cannot be audited.
Email the Office of the University Registrar at with any additional questions.
Guidelines for Auditing a Class
In order to receive this benefit, we must verify that you are an alumnus/a.
- Fill out the Audit Request Form to register and to verify that there is room in the class you are interested in auditing.
- Alumni with an undergraduate degree can audit only an undergraduate class and alumni with a graduate degree can audit both undergraduate and graduate classes.
- $250 per credit for alumni
- $500 per credit for non-alumni
- Alumni are responsible for all additional costs related to the course (i.e. books, lab fees, etc.)